Looking for a friend to explore Japan with in April 2019

2 answers

Hi I am an Asian 45 year old from the US and looking for a friend who also want to explore Japan and places. It is also good of you are a professional photographer or an experience one so we can go to places and take beautiful pictures for the trip and also learning about Japanese cultures and food. I am in state of MA if you are around it is even better.

By Sunflower111502 Posted on December 11, 2018 Related topics:
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The 2 replies to this request

February 01, 2019

hi im also traveling to japan in April. If interested please DM me on my insta account : shekar_ram

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February 16, 2019

Hi. American (Caucasian) male here, 53, educated, self-employed, world traveler. I am planning to visit Japan in April. I haven't booked my flight yet, but I have been planning a (flexible) itinerary and have booked a homeward ocean crossing by ship. I'm originally from Massachusetts, now in San Diego. Widely traveled in East Asia, including Japan (3x), China (4x), Tibet, Taiwan, Indonesia, etc., etc. Rather than go into details about Japan plans here I'd prefer to exchange e-mail or speak on the phone if you are interested. jr1234554@yahoo.com

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