Pocket Wifi Japan 2

Internet & Phones in Japan

Unlimited Internet Connection in the Archipelago

Communication habits have changed with the advent of mobile phones, followed a couple of years later by the smartphones. People have become more connected and want to make calls or share on the Internet as they like.

Access to the Internet is not always easy when traveling in Japan, as:

  • Japan favored the development of wired connection, convenient for computers but not for other connected devices;
  • The free Wi-Fi network is fragmented and mainly available from stations, cafés, konbini, etc.

In addition, roaming charges are expensive and vary according to providers and contracts, with often a very unpleasant surprise invoice when coming back home.

The convenient Pocket Wi-Fi

Fortunately, there are now many convenient and affordable solutions to stay connected when visiting Japan, with a mobile device:

  • Purchasing or renting a prepaid mobile phone or smartphone for the duration of the stay;
  • Purchasing or renting a Japanese SIM card, to use in one’s own smartphone, provided it was unlocked beforehand and to not confuse the SIM card size.

However, the easiest and cost-effective solution is to rent a Pocket Wi-Fi. Thanks to this portable router, travelers get a quasi-permanent connection, unlimited and for several devices simultaneously, with a total control of the costs.

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