Zamami Island (Okinawa), White sand beach


🏖 Okinawa's Paradisiac Island

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Zamami is one of the Kerama Islands in the Ryukyu archipelago, in Okinawa prefecture, at the south-westernmost end of Japan. Of a 6,7km² superficies, its eponymous village is home to about 600 inhabitants. The island is renowned for its paradise beaches with translucent blue water which make very nice diving spots.

When traveling on the Ryukyu archipelago, do not miss to dip into Okinawa’s sea which is rightly known as very pleasant. Beaches are very clean, and the sun beats down: as the archipelago is close to the tropics, don’t forget to bring a high protection sunscreen.

Zamami Island (Okinawa), View on the port

Beautiful subtropical beaches accessible by boat from Naha

If you have a full day free during your Okinawa trip, we definitely recommend a stopover on one of the archipelago’s many islands. There would be no disappointment if you choose the beautiful Zamami-jima, of an easy access from Naha, the capital of the prefecture located on the main island Okinawa Honto.

Zamami belongs to the Kerama archipelago, is reachable by ferry ⛴️ boat and we recommend spending a full day there, which means arriving with the first boat in early morning and leaving with the last at the end of the afternoon. It is really worth the trip: just having breakfast on the boat while sailing through the islands is already enjoyable.

Once on Zamami, one can really take the measure of this Eden on Earth. After docking, a 20-minute stroll toward the beach 🏖 sets the tone: at the end of the village, nature is lush with beautiful landscapes, and very calm (the island is inhabited only by a few hundred people). It is possible to rent a bicycle to tour around the island.

Zamami Island (Okinawa), Tropical fishes and coral 2

Then, arriving at Furuzamami beach, the most renowned one, a kind of huge sandy cove unfolds, with clear water filled with coral. In the center, facilities allow to overhang the breathtaking views, a refreshing drink in the hand. Two other islands appear in the background: Aka and Gahijima.

The buildings are very respectful of nature since everything is made of wood (no concrete in view), and it's very quiet all along the beach. You can also rent fins and snorkels to dive among beautiful coral.

Zamami is truly a wonderful small island that we strongly encourage to discover when traveling on Okinawa Honto.

⬇️ Further down this page, discover our visit guide in Zamami and around.
By Kanpai Updated on June 24, 2024 Zamami