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Things to Do in Japan in June

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In Japan, the start of summer in June is marked by a rainy season called tsuyu ☔️. During this transitional month, young Japanese people remain studious and prepare for their midterm exams. In this relatively quiet atmosphere, tourists can choose between outings to lush natural settings and visits to air-conditioned indoor attractions, which allow them to avoid the relatively humid hot weather.

Tourism statistics

June does not attract a large number of tourists; in fact, it is among the months in which foreigners least come to visit Japan. Thus, airlines, hotels 🏨 and tour operators regularly offer great deals during this period. This makes it easier for tourists to travel at the last minute and still get good value for their money when utilizing public transportation and accommodations.

In addition, during June, Japanese expatriates often take long holidays to return to their home country to see their families.

Climate and weather

The weather conditions in June are notable, so please consider the following dates:

  • June 6 -- The official start of the rainy season
  • June 21 -- The beginning of summer

Tsuyu brings humidity, heat and cloudy weather. Warm air masses from the south encounter cold air from the north and form heavy rains that last for several days. It is rare to have little rainfall in June. Rainy days are even more prevalent in the south of the archipelago (on Kyushu and Kansai) than in the north (on Tohoku). Okinawa is the first touristic destination to exit the rainy season, at approximately the end of June.

Note that Hokkaido does not experience this rainy period and in fact has rather pleasant temperatures of 15–20°C (59–68°F), with lots of sunshine and dry weather.

In Japan’s large cities, the average temperature in June ranges between 20 and 25°C (68 to 77°F) and can easily reach 30°C (86°F) on the hottest afternoons. Thus, accommodations with air conditioning are strongly recommended. The sun rises at around 4:30 a.m. and sets at around 7 p.m.

National public holidays

There are no public holidays during this transitional month, and the population is more focused on the transition to the summer season.

Top things to do

Outdoor visits must be planned according to the weather. For this reason, museums are a strong choice for culture lovers, and shopping malls attract shopaholics and food lovers. In addition, sheltered observation decks offer everyone a contemplative break.

After the rains have passed, Japan’s medium-altitude mountain forests and other green spaces are magical. The rainy season goes hand in hand with the presence of mosses, which, when saturated with water, display the most beautiful shades of green. Be careful: It is quite possible to encounter snakes in the gardens of Japan’s temples and shrines.

Below is a list of Japanese seasonal attractions and events in June:

Date What to do Where Related
Around June 2 Participate in the Yokohama Port Festival, featuring beautiful fireworks 🎆 over the water, in Minato Mirai 21 District Yokohama Event
First weekend in June Attend the Hamakita Kite-Flying Festival (Enshu Hamakita Hiryu Matsuri), which includes fireworks held at the Tenryu River Hamamatsu (Shizuoka) Event
June 5 At night, admire the 365 floating lanterns 🏮 (Kento Makiwara) erected during the Atsuta Festival Nagoya Event
Around June 10 Visit Suigo Sawara Ayame Park during the Iris Festival Katori (Chiba) Event
Second weekend in June See the Lion Dance Festival (Tsukiji Shishi Matsuri), which is held at and around Namiyoke Inari-Jinja Shrine Tokyo Event
Second weekend in June Go to the Yokasoi Soran Festival in the alleyways of Odori Park to see energetic traditional dance performances Sapporo (Hokkaido) Event
June 14 Attend the planting of a rice field by a dozen women and witness traditional songs and dances at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine Osaka Event
June 14 and 15 Celebrate Kagura, a sacred shinto music-and-dance ritual held at Yasaka Jinja Shrine Kyoto Tradition
June 15 Commemorate the birth of Kukai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism, during the Aoba Matsuri Okuno-in Temple in Koya-san or Chishaku-in Temple in Kyoto Tradition
Two weekdays in June Discover the latest trends in Japanese homewares at the Tokyo Lifestyle Expo, which is held at Tokyo Big Sight Tokyo Event
A weekend around June 15 in even-numbered years Attend the Sanno Matsuri, one of the three largest festivals in the capital city; it takes place near the Imperial Palace and Hie and Yasukuni Shrines Tokyo Event
Around the last weekend in June Attend the popular and lively yukata 👘 festival, and its nightly parade between the castle 🏯 and the station Himeji Event
All month long Admire blooming hydrangeas in public parks and temples and shrines’ gardens Everywhere in Japan (especially Kamakura) Visit
All month long Visit the Moss Garden at Saiho-ji Temple Kyoto Visit
All month long Stroll under the covered arcades (shotengai) on rainy days Everywhere in Japan (including Nakano in Tokyo and Teramachi in Kyoto) Shopping
All month long Enjoy watching cormorant fishing (Ukai) in the evening on the Nagaragawa River Gifu Tradition
All month long Taste a very refreshing cold coffee or matcha latte Everywhere in Japan Food

Travel packing tips

To endure the changing weather of June, bring a range of light, waterproof, and comfortable loose clothes. As a matter of fact, temperatures steadily increase in June as summer is nearing, and the rainy season does not help lower them.

Those who are sensitive to heat and humidity should wear wide cotton pants or shorts, along with tee-shirts made with sport clothing materials that let in air and dry quickly. It may be useful to include compression socks or stockings for those who have a poor blood circulation. For shoes, as with clothes, select a pair that can stand the rain.

Skinny jeans are not necessarily a good solution as the can even compress as a result of the hot and humid weather. Similarly, thick jackets and trench coats can be uncomfortable.

It is important to stay well-hydrated during the day, as it is easy to sweat profusely. Carrying a small bottle of water is a good way to remember to drink regularly.

We recommend buying a cheap umbrella in Japan rather than carrying one in your suitcase.

Updated on June 01, 2021 Que faire au Japon en juin